Monday, 29 April 2013

6a, Research Pilots.

Reader six has really helped me to focus my research in a more productive manner.  When I initially started module two I started to do a lot of research that was unplanned and probably relatively ineffective, however now I can use that experience alongside the reader to become a more effective researcher.

i)  Pilot interview

I have previously posted a case study following an in depth discussion with a colleague;

This case study was carried out very informally with a colleague who is very supportive of my course at BAPP. I now aim to interview him properly with well planned questions.  I aim to conduct a semi-structured interview where I will ask questions that allow him to express his opinion and not simply a yes no answer. 

ii) Pilot Survey

During my initial research I conducted an survey to find out what people's opinions were initially and how much research scope I could expect.

I will now go back through this survey to critique my questions and then either re write my questionnaire or evaluate the answers I have received.

iii) Pilot Focus Group

Following the advice in reader six, I aim to go about my pilot focus group in a very organised manner.  I will record the focus group and ask that when each person speaks they state their name so when I go back through the recording I can be sure who has said what.  I have quite a few big personalities in my workplace so will ensure that everybody gets their chance to speak.

iiii) Pilot Observation

I am unsure as to how I would go about an observation following the line of enquiry I am taking.  There are observations that I have made in my diary when discussions have opened up along the lines of my inquiry, I wonder if I could get permission from the people involved to use these observations formally?

5d,My ethical aims for my Inquiry

Following on from my previous blog, here are the ethical aims I will endeavour to abide by;


I will not pass other's work off as my own, I will use proper citations to any quotes or literature which I use or may have influenced my thinking.

Only ask what is necessary

Although some of the questions I will need to ask during my inquiry are personal (relating to age) I will not ask questions that bare no relevance to my research.

Reporting Data

I will not select data that suits my line of inquiry, I will be open and honest with my findings.

Protecting Data

I will ensure that all data I collect is dealt with properly.  I will not allow any of my participants to be put at risk by poor data security.


I will ensure that all participants are aware of what I am doing, why I am doing it and are kept up to date with my inquiry at all times.  I will also ensure that my employers are kept up to date with my research.

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Sunday, 21 April 2013

5c Professional ethics

Understanding professional Ethics

Starting out with the topics of ethics has been quite challenging because although I thought I knew what 'ethical practice' meant, there are time when I feel it has become a little confused with 'good practice'.  Getting to grips with the reader has developed my understanding and I feel a lot more comfortable with the terminology.

The defines ethics below;

Definition of ethics


  • 1 [usually treated as plural] moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity:medical ethics also enter into the question
  • 2 [usually treated as singular] the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles: neither metaphysics nor ethics is the home of religion


The definition of ethics suggests that the roots of ethical practice are based in a person's moral principles.  As reader five states these can be based from many things such as family values, religion, conscience.  Applying both of these ideas shows that ethical practice is not really a black and white/right and wrong scenario but more an individual's personal opinion which will create many grey areas between people.

Case Study 1

Looking at the case study in reader five about Mid Staffordshire hospital shows how hard looking at ethics can be at times.  Putting aside personal feelings and evaluating the facts can be very difficult, however as a country we are very lucky that these types of inquiries are available in  the public domain.  I don't think anyone could suggest that what happened at mid Staffordshire was correct but when there are a catalogue of errors such as in this case how can any person be held liable? 

Case study 2


With this case study I tried to put aside my personal reaction and asked some colleagues what they thought?  I was shocked to see that so many of them had the same reaction as me, how could anyone not help a child in that situation? I tried to suggest some other ways of looking at the photograph, the photographer was told not to touch anyone for fear of epidemics, the photographer's ethical role is to observe and not interfere, however I couldn't find anyone who didn't see that the photographer was morally wrong for not helping this child.

Theoretical ethical frameworks


'This is where an act is morally right if, and only if, that act maximizes the good.  The notion of the greatest happiness for the greatest number is at the heart of consequentialism.  With regard to whether an act is morally right depends on the outcomes (consequences).  Hence to kill 1 person in order to save 9 is justified with this paradigm.'

Source, BAPP (Arts) Reader 5 Professional Ethics (2012-13). School of Media and Performing Arts Institute for Work Based Learning, Middlesex University.

I agree with the theory of consequentialism, if everybody weighed up the consequences of their actions maybe people would not behave in certain manners? There was a very sad case recently in the press where two Australian radio presenters contacted the King Edward VII's hospital and posed as the queen, in order to get information about Kate Middleton's admission to hospital in December 2012.  Very sadly the nurse, Jacintha Saldanha, who took the call committed suicide as a result.  If these two presenters had considered the consequences of their actions would they have still made the call? Although you would not necessarily assume that the outcome would be so extreme you may think that it was likely someone could be in trouble over this or maybe loose their job?  I would argue in this instance that the radio presenters were morally wrong for making the call.



'Deontology is in sharp contrast to consequentialism and the greatest exponent is Immanuel Kant who argued that the only absolute good thing is good will.  Hence, the motive behind an action determines whether or not it is morally right.  Deontology is rule based and is ethical action based on duty.'
Source, BAPP (Arts) Reader 5 Professional Ethics (2012-13). School of Media and Performing Arts Institute for Work Based Learning, Middlesex University.

 The theory of deontology seems very black and white to me.  I believe in many situations there can be 'grey areas' which have been created to cause less harm to the people involved.  For example, lying.  Many would argue that lying is morally wrong, however telling a small 'white' lie to save someone's feelings could be considered a kinder more ethical response to a situation?

Virtue Ethics

'Virtue ethics emphasizes the character of the moral agent rather than the rules or the consequences and what actions taken reveal about one's character.  This approach can be traced back to Plato and Aristotle where there is greater emphasis on being rather than doing.' 

Source, BAPP (Arts) Reader 5 Professional Ethics (2012-13). School of Media and Performing Arts Institute for Work Based Learning, Middlesex University.

I struggle to understand this example of ethics, however I think that the basis is about the person involved.  If the person acts out of good nature then they can be considered morally correct.

My overall feeling so far is that when it comes to ethics there is not one way to look at things.  With the case studies that I have listed I have tried to apply the following procedure. Gut reaction, (how do I initially feel?), Balance (what other view points can I consider?), Reflection (How do I feel now I have considered all the facts?), Conclusion?(What results have I reached?).  Ultimately I don't feel there is a right or wrong answer as there are so many options to consider however as a human I believe you can only do what you deem correct at the time.

In terms of inquiry I believe that following ethical guidelines such as The British Educational Research Association (BERA) listed in reader five present the type of guidelines I wish to follow.  For example;

'To ensure the honest and respectful treatment of research participants, by informing them of the of the purpose of the study and by adhering to the guidance requirements (eg on consent and confidentiality), and at all times ensuring their safety and well-being vis-à-vis the research procedure, equipment and premises.'

Source, BAPP (Arts) Reader 5 Professional Ethics (2012-13). School of Media and Performing Arts Institute for Work Based Learning, Middlesex University.
Telling your research participants all of the information about what you are researching, why you are researching and what the information will be used for is of upmost importance when it comes to ethical practice.  If the participants are told what they are contributing to then they can make an informed decision as to whether or not they wish to participate. 

Plagiarism, ensuring that any reference I use are fully cited so that the relevant sources are known.

Data protection, making sure that any data I use is stored appropriately and disposed of appropriately.

Leading questions, I aim to ask questions that allow participants to answer openly and honestly, not ask leading questions  that encourage the answers that 'fit in' with my current research.


Thursday, 18 April 2013

5b Ethical framework in the workplace

Looking into the ethical framework and codes of practice that apply to my workplace are both interesting and eye opening.  As many people will do I simply received my handbook at the start of my contract and have not bothered to read it until now. 
There are many codes of practice that reference the behaviour, safety and standards that are expected in the workplace however how many of these steer the ethical framework of the company?  I feel in my previous post I have listed the codes of practice I use on a daily basis but may have missed the ethics behind them?

Mission statement

'To continue to grow this successful business where people love to holiday and people love to work'

Bunn Leisure, 2013, Your guide to working at Bunn Leisure.

This statement says to me that the company not only looks after their customers but also their employees.  In the past as an employee for different companies I have felt that the income of the business has outweighed the want to satisfy their customers and keep their staff happy. 

Health and Safety

In the handbook it states the importance of health and safety in the workplace and the rules and equipment that keeps not only the staff but also the customers able to enjoy a safe environment.  I am sure that many would argue that health and safety rules are not related to ethics, however my personal feelings are anything that keeps staff and customers safe and able to be in a healthy environment is ethical. 

The Oxford dictionary website defines ethics below;

Definition of ethics


  • 1 [usually treated as plural] moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity:medical ethics also enter into the question

  • 2 [usually treated as singular] the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles: neither metaphysics nor ethics is the home of religion
Moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or conducting of an activity, so I feel that endorsing good health and safety can be considered as ethical practice.

 Equal Opportunities

I believe it is integral to the ethical framework of any company to take a strong stance on equal opportunities.

'We aim to create a working environment in which all individuals are able to make best use of their skills free from discrimination or harassment and in which all decisions are based on merit'

 Bunn Leisure, 2013, Your guide to working at Bunn Leisure

My expectations

As a self employed performer there are certain expectations that I have to meet;

*Declaration of self employment
*CRB check
*Public Liability insurance.

I would say that these are not only a legal requirement but also ethical requirements as I am not only protecting myself but also the public.  If I was acting illegally and not paying tax this would not only be lawfully wrong but morally wrong. 

Thursday, 11 April 2013

5a work based ethics

Following the codes of conduct and applying ethical practice to our work is often not conscious but subconscious behaviour.  Through my training and development during my work based learning I have developed a level of professionalism that I always follow;

Health and Safety

*Warming up and cooling down
*Maintaining personal equipment (Such as shoes, costumes, tights etc)
*Safe Practice
*Awareness of surroundings

Being aware of the health and safety of yourself and others ensures safe practice in the workplace.  This can be as simple as warming up and cooling down, setting your costumes in a safe place so that no one will trip over and ensuring your personal equipment is well maintained, to more difficult situations where you have to suggest that other people's practice is not up to scratch.  There have been times when I  have had to point out items such as leaking smoke machines, badly set costumes and uneven flooring, however I believe it is better to point these thing out than risk the safety of yourself and your fellow performers.

Team work

*Being an active member of the team
*Ensuring discussions are honest and open
*Allowing freedom of speech

Equal Opportunities

*Ensuring all members of the team have their voice heard
*Allowing all members of the team to demonstrate their talents
*Ensuring no one is isolated

I think the values of team work and equal opportunities go hand in hand.  Treating others as you wish to be treated yourself is behaviour which you hope everyone is brought up with.  In my opinion if everyone treats the members of their with respect and decency it allows for a happy, productive, creative work environment.

Fire Regulations

*Being personally aware of the Fire escapes
*Being personally aware of any regulation you need to follow
*Being aware of any fire equipment (Fire blankets, Fire extinguishers etc)

Although it is the employer's responsibility to ensure that all staff are trained and responsible when it comes to all health, safety and fire regulations, I also believe that everyone should take a personal responsibility for themselves. 

Personal Ethics

*Ensuring you carry yourself in a professional manner
*Ensuring you remain calm and professional in all situations
*Ensuring you use the correct equipment for the job
*Ensuring your costumes are well maintained and clean
*Ensuring you are well presented, clean and tidy

I believe that everybody should take a personal pride in the way they present themselves.  This is not only for the work place but also when you attend auditions etc.  Being well presented and professional in all your endeavours sets you ahead in your career.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Task 4d Award Title

After much deliberation I have finally settled on an award title, I propose the title

Ba Honours Professional Practice (Performing Arts)

Please follow the link to my rationale

Please feel free to leave any comments or ideas.