Monday, 29 April 2013

6a, Research Pilots.

Reader six has really helped me to focus my research in a more productive manner.  When I initially started module two I started to do a lot of research that was unplanned and probably relatively ineffective, however now I can use that experience alongside the reader to become a more effective researcher.

i)  Pilot interview

I have previously posted a case study following an in depth discussion with a colleague;

This case study was carried out very informally with a colleague who is very supportive of my course at BAPP. I now aim to interview him properly with well planned questions.  I aim to conduct a semi-structured interview where I will ask questions that allow him to express his opinion and not simply a yes no answer. 

ii) Pilot Survey

During my initial research I conducted an survey to find out what people's opinions were initially and how much research scope I could expect.

I will now go back through this survey to critique my questions and then either re write my questionnaire or evaluate the answers I have received.

iii) Pilot Focus Group

Following the advice in reader six, I aim to go about my pilot focus group in a very organised manner.  I will record the focus group and ask that when each person speaks they state their name so when I go back through the recording I can be sure who has said what.  I have quite a few big personalities in my workplace so will ensure that everybody gets their chance to speak.

iiii) Pilot Observation

I am unsure as to how I would go about an observation following the line of enquiry I am taking.  There are observations that I have made in my diary when discussions have opened up along the lines of my inquiry, I wonder if I could get permission from the people involved to use these observations formally?

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