Goals of this module
- Critical Review
- Professional Artefact
- Oral Presentation
Week 3, 14th - 20th October
- Complete Survey ready to send out Monday 21st
- Build on Paula's feedback from my inquiry summary
- Build on my literature for review
- Consent forms
Week 4, 21st - 27th October
- Attend campus session 22nd October
- Send 1/2 paragraphs to Paula as a sample of my inquiry analysis
- Begin collating and analysing survey data
- Continue blogging
- Focus on literature and start writing review
Week 5, 28th Oct - 3rd November
- Write up literature review
- Build on analysis with further data, focusing on Paula's feedback
- Work on questions for interviews
Week 6, 4th - 10th November
- Hold Interviews
- Plan professional Artefact
- Build comparisons between my research findings and that of my literature
Week 7, 11th - 17th November
- Send a 1 page description explaining the plans for my professional artefact
- Start writing up critical review
- Begin writing up my inquiry findings
- Review all my work to date
Week 8, 18th - 24th November
- Attend Campus session Thursday 21st November
- Continue writing up and reviewing my work to date
- Start artefact based on Paula's feedback
- Work on critical review
Week 9, 25th November - 1st December
- Send draft sections of my critical review to Paula for feedback
- Work on finalising inquiry
- Plan Oral presentation
Week 10, 2nd December - 15th December
- Focus this week on critical review, print and edit
- Read and re read
- Apply Paula's feedback
Week 11, 9th - 15th December
- Focus this week on Professional artefact
Week 12, 16th - 22nd December
- Focus this week on Oral presentation
I appreciate that my plan seems to run out of steam in the last few weeks, but I feel at that point I will know what needs to be done and be getting on with it.
My main work days are going to be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. Monday's are the day when I tie up looses ends such as sending invoices etc. My aim every Monday is to blog my plan for the following week, detailing what I will be carrying out that week and how my work schedule will affect my study days.
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