Friday, 20 December 2013

Stop and breathe!

I wrote a particularly gloomy  into my learning journal two days ago that I think is worth sharing;

'Top Tip
Block your playtime in your diary and keep it sacred just like it was at school.  Start with fifteen minutes twice a day, every day, at a time that fits your schedule. '
Burton Kate, 2010, Live Life love Work,Chichester, Capstone Publishing LTD.
'This is pretty hard to do at the moment, although this is only 30 minutes.  I'm starting to feel disillusioned and loosing sleep.  I'm hoping to get home over the weekend and have a family day out as my brain needs some time out.  I don't have my work rota for the weekend or Christmas so I can't make any plans.  I'm going to try and write myself a 'to do' list for uni work and for my life! 
Friday's rehearsals have been cancelled so I have an extra day but with all the rehearsals next week I'm going to end up doing uni work on Christmas day!'
After speaking to Paula today I realise  have put myself into a bit of a tail spin! I need to remember that this is all part of the process and I still have two weeks which is plenty of time to get finished.  I have all the pieces of the puzzle and I just need to piece them together.
I hope everyone else is able to 'Keep calm and study hard'.



  1. Hey Mimi,
    I'm hoping that as you can blog about it with a sense of humour suggests that you're in a better place now. I'm so glad to hear it!
    There are so many cliches and stock phrases that I could troll out here, something about dark before dawn or every cloud or something else weather related but I'm just gonna say:
    Smile, shoulders back, and on with the show! You'll be swell.
    Keep connected too. It's less scary when you share it!

  2. Thanks Sarah, I had some time off from studying over the weekend and I really feel that has been beneficial to me, I am looking at my work with fresh eyes again. I hope that you are also getting on well and enjoying some time off for Christmas x
