Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Task 2a Reflective Practise

Starting my journal is a very interesting task as at the moment I feel like I am leading a very hectic life.  I have my life as a performer where I am rehearsing at the weekend for a Christmas show and often performing as a backing dancer for a Madonna Tribute.  I have my life in the week where I work full time as a superviser at a large pub in The New Forest.  Somewhere in between these two things I am also studying for my Ba Hons,  keep up with my singing lessons, sustaining my fitness at the gym and seeing family and friends!  I think journal writing is an excellent way to keep my thoughts together and help me sustain what currently feels like a pretty crazy life!

I have never really kept a diary or journal so it has been interesting seeing how best to approach this task.  Over the next few days I will be blogging impotant items that have arisen from my journal....Watch this space!


  1. Hi Mimi - just been catching up with your blog entries and look forward to seeing it develop. Have you left many comments yet on other people's blogs? This is a good way of getting to grips with the learning that's going on around you and a way of attracting people to you blog and learning from comments left with you...

  2. Hi Rosemary, I have been leaving comments and getting some responses. I have had a difficult few weeks but will be getting back on track. I'm really enjoying this part of the course on reflective practise and I'm learning a lot about myself. Mimi
