I have always disliked the term 'Networking'. It has always seemed to be used by fellow performers who viewed going out to parties and sitting with a glass of Chardonnay as networking. As with every other topic covered in the Bapp course so far I realise my perception is very wrong and I use my personal networks on a daily basis.
To start this topic I will begin by looking at my current networks;
I feel that my friends category can be broken down further. I have friends that are performers and friends who are not. Both fit into my network in a different way,
Performers, Friends who are performers can often pass on valuable information about the companies they work for, which companies are auditioning at the moment, which companies their friends are working for, how they found their current job, and what websites they are using to search for jobs.
Non performing friends, Friends who are not performers can often pass on information about work programmes they are doing, companies they know who are hiring for 'temp' work, what qualifications they have required for various employments, what websites they use to search for 'normal' jobs.
Whilst socialising we can often make new friends and contacts. Socialising seems like a bit of a cop out, however I realise that we make connections with those who are like minded to ourselves.
Whilst attending auditions I often get chatting to the person I'm stood near in the queue. In this situation our common ground will often be performing and many times I have shared information with my fellow auditionees.
During dance classes or singing classes you are again integrating with fellow performers. Sharing information and opinions on the entertainments industry and the companies that work within it. The teachers that take the classes often share information and opportunities that may be arising.
The agencies I am on the books of, keep me up to date with the goings on within the industry and any casting opportunities or auditions that are going on.
Social Networks
Social Networks are a great way of keeping up to date with what is going on in the industry. The social networks I use is Facebook. Facebook keeps me up to date my performer friends and what they are doing and who they are working for. I also keep contact with previous employers and have 'liked' many business pages. Social networks are a great way of sharing knowledge. I feel that Facebook may be one of my most important sources of information. In the past I have gained employment through keeping up to date with previous employers.
There are many websites I use to keep up to date with auditions and casting opportunities;
Dance Cast, (www.dancecastuk.com) is a website that updates any casting information or employment opportunities that arise. I have to pay £10 a month to receive the information however I feel it is a valuable resource and worth the fee.
Spotlight,(www.spotlight.com) Spotlight is a website that allows access to your online profile to many casting directors. Employers also post audition opportunities to the 'Spotlight Link' which gets emailed to all performers that have subscribed. Spotlight costs me around £100 per year, however it is a website that is viewed as essential within the entertainments industry.
Entsweb,(www.entsweb.ltd.uk) Entsweb is a free website that employers can post employment opportunities too. Often there are less posts than the paid websites and you do not get the jobs emailed to you, however again it is a valuable resource when seeking employment.
Youtube, (www.youtube.com) Many performers use youtube to upload their showreels so they can then forward the link on to employers via email. I have not used youtube for this purpose, however I have found people who have recorded shows that I have been in, have sent me the link to use for my showreel.
I feel that all these networks are a valuable resource to me and the others that use them. Many times I have been able to put friends into contact with people I know that can help them and likewise friends have done the same for me. Looking at this task I don't feel I personally use my Networks to their full capacity as previously I have not consciously been aware of these Networks, although I have used them. In my opinion my most valuable Networks are Facebook and the casting websites I use. Facebook often allows us to keep up to date with contacts we may not have phone numbers for but have worked for or with. The way I could use these networks more, would be to get my showreel online. The websites such as Dance Cast and Spotlight where I have an active online profile should also have my Showreel on them. Also If I uploaded my Showreel to Youtube I could then use it, as many of my friends do, by sharing the link via email.
Moving forward from this task I would like to set up a page on facebook for me as a dancer, using my showreel, photographs and CV I could create a page that I could then share with members of my professional networks. I would love to create a website for myself as I know many experiences practitioners have, although at this moment in time I do not have the resources or understanding to create one. If I created a 'page' on facebook maybe I could gain an idea of how valuable a website would be and maybe look at having one made for me?
My ideal network would be a network where everyone could share information and opinions on places, companies and people they have worked for freely without fear of repercussions. Their is a lot to be said for sharing experiences and there have been many times when I wish people had given me an honest opinion.
The next step for me is to get my showreel finished! Then I can use my Networks in the same way that many of my fellow performers do.
Hi Mimi,
ReplyDeleteYour idea of setting up a facebook page is great! I have a professional fb page myself were I display my modeling work and I would like to include my singing and dancing work soon. Many producers have approached me through my page and my friends have showed interest too. Is an easy way of publishing your work and is a good way of promoting yourself to start with... You said that you would like to built up your own website to display your showreel and pictures, I would like to do the same as It's a more professional way of 'selling' yourself. So how would you built up your website and why? (by yourself, with professional help, pay someone to do it for you? etc) What did you inlude in your showreel? Do you think is strong enough and shows the best of your ability?
What will be illuminating to do is to consider the theories in the Reader regarding networking and self evaluate how your networks apply to them and which networks are more important in your professional transformation and development as well as consider your own role in the network. Hannah Stewart's wiki on Networks is a stepping stone to these theories
ReplyDeleteThankyou for pointing me towards Hannah Stewart's wiki, I have blocked out some time over the next week for blogging. My next blog is half complete at the moment, I need to get on top of my work as I'm in the theatre next week.
DeleteAnastasia, my showreel includes; footage of me in the studio showing kicks, turns, leaps etc footage on stage and a selection of photographs. I have always believed showreels are beneficial as they show how you look on stage, however many of my friends have believed a showreel is the be all and end all. However strong your showreel may be it will only ever generate interest in you that may result in work but more often than not simply seures an audition. I think if I develop the fb page I can then see how worthwhile it would be to build a website. I don't think I could build my own site as I don't have the understanding or time at the moment!