Thursday, 26 December 2013


My artefact has taken the form of a book.  It is a light hearted look at my work-life balance throughout my career.

I have found writing my story quite cathartic at this point of my career as I am just about to retire from performing and take a new path.  It has been quite enjoyable to write and also to go through all my photographs to find the ones to include. 

I aimed to get my book printed in a complete book format, however the turn around for print and return was just too tight.  I have a second option which will hopefully look just as appealing.

My artefact will be completed by the weekend in order to proof read and print.

Here is a little preview of one of my pictures, it is taken at my graduation from Stella Mann college in 2004;

Friday, 20 December 2013

Stop and breathe!

I wrote a particularly gloomy  into my learning journal two days ago that I think is worth sharing;

'Top Tip
Block your playtime in your diary and keep it sacred just like it was at school.  Start with fifteen minutes twice a day, every day, at a time that fits your schedule. '
Burton Kate, 2010, Live Life love Work,Chichester, Capstone Publishing LTD.
'This is pretty hard to do at the moment, although this is only 30 minutes.  I'm starting to feel disillusioned and loosing sleep.  I'm hoping to get home over the weekend and have a family day out as my brain needs some time out.  I don't have my work rota for the weekend or Christmas so I can't make any plans.  I'm going to try and write myself a 'to do' list for uni work and for my life! 
Friday's rehearsals have been cancelled so I have an extra day but with all the rehearsals next week I'm going to end up doing uni work on Christmas day!'
After speaking to Paula today I realise  have put myself into a bit of a tail spin! I need to remember that this is all part of the process and I still have two weeks which is plenty of time to get finished.  I have all the pieces of the puzzle and I just need to piece them together.
I hope everyone else is able to 'Keep calm and study hard'.


Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Just a quick update

I just wanted to upload a quick update as to how I am getting on.

My inquiry is looking more like a readable document than a set of ideas which is how it was initially looking!

Introduction - I am currently 273 word over the count but I am sure I can cut some waffle out somewhere!

Evaluation -  I am about a thousand words short at the moment but I am in the process of refining my literature so I know that will more than cover it.

Analysis - After completely changing tact on this I am really struggling.  I have about two thousand words to add but I feel like I am finally on the right track with this

Critical Reflection - I haven't started this one yet!

Professional Artefact - I have nearly finished my artefact I just need to add some pictures.  I have changed tact slightly with this one as the printers I was going to use didn't have a quick enough turn around for me.  However my book is nearly their it will just be presented slightly differently.  I feel disappointed but I know it's what I have written that counts.

Presentation - I am putting this off until after January 7th!

I am feeling the pressure mounting but I know I will be ready on time.  It's hard balancing the work load alongside all the other things in my life at the moment and I am really having to prioritise my work load.  Over the last few weeks I have been rehearsing in the daytime and doing shows in the evening, trying to move back home (I only have a small car so this is a weekly effort of playing 'car boot tetris') looking and applying for work for January and completing my inquiry.  I'm sure I will get there in the end!

Web 2.0

I wanted to post a quick blog about my use of web 2.0 during this module as I have really relied on many types of websites for my research and inquiry.
When I started out on the BAPP course I found it really hard to get used to the technological side of things but each new website I endeavoured to understand has brought a new tool for my studies as well as my professional practice.

For example,

When I first started this course I found it hard to get to grips with 'blogger' and now it is part of my everyday life.  Outside of my studies I now use 'linkedin' professionally and also youtube.

For my Inquiry I have depended on;

  • Blogger - I use this regularly to update my blog, re read past blogs to add as references and keep up to date with my fellow BAPP students.
  • Youtube - I have used Youtube to research videos and clips, not necessarily for my inquiry but for the work that has gone into it such as blogs.
  • Facebook - I used facebook to find fellow professionals in my community of practice that would be willing to complete my survey and I use the SIG page that has been set up.
  • Google Drive - I have used google drive throughout the BAPP course.  Most recently for my inquiry I have used it for my literature reviews.
  • Delicious - I regularly use delicious to keep all my sources and literature in one place.  It has been a truly valuable resource because with out it I would have struggled to find information I have used for my inquiry.

Reader Six

After getting feedback for my drafts and having a Skype tutorial with Paula I felt that I had cleared up a lot of issues that had cropped up whilst writing up my work.  The biggest problems for me have been writing my literature review and analysis which I know a few other people (through SIG and blogs) have also struggled with. 

This week I really want to tackle the analysis and I realise I have approached this in the wrong way and I have actually over complicated it.

So far I have written up all my survey data both in word and excel.  From this basis I then started to 'write up' my analysis and here is where the problem started.  I have been trying to get my analysis written up into a formal document where actually the data speaks for itself.  My new plan based on the conversation with Paula is to go back and re work the data I had initially written up.

The first step for me after speaking to Paula was to go back to reader six and re read the information on analysis;

Qualiative data - relies on the words people use
Quantative data - can be translated into numerical data

On this basis my survey contains both quantative and qualitative data.  All quantative data I have put into excel and the qualitative data is written up into word.  My interviews are purely qualitative and will provide some good quotes to add to my work.

The reader also had some good information on being an 'insider researcher'.  It suggested that I need to 'recognise and understand my own involvement' and aim to be as objective as possible.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Where am I?

So this week has been a good one! I am finally feeling better and I am also feeling positive about the time I have ahead of me.

I have really good feedback from Paula about the drafts I sent in last week.  We are planning a Skype discussion and I feel that will really help me get on.  When I was writing out my drafts I felt like was wavering quite a lot and had lost my direction, the feedback from Paula has put me back on task and I hope on the road to our submission deadline!  I can't quite believe that it is the 8th December already!

My artefact has been the main focus of the last week and I have got on really well.  I have found where I can get my book printed, however there is a seven to eleven working day turn around! This means that my book has to go in by Friday to ensure that it is back on time to be posted in! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!

My Life (The January Plan!)
I am no further along with the job hunt as it seems everyone is focusing on Christmas! (How dare they) I am not allowing myself to get stressed by this as it is out of my control. January will come around and I may have a period of unemployment or temping but I will be able to deal with this.  Panicking is not the answer.  I have one job application in at the moment and hopefully I will hear from them one way or another in mid December.  I have lots of options work wise at the moment but my main focus has to be on my Bapp work.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Treading Water

I seem to be treading water with my inquiry at the moment and not achieving anything.  I spend time everyday formulating ideas and working on my research but things just seem to take so much longer than I planned! For example my survey, I really want to get 50 respondents and so far have only 38! Getting 38 people to respond however has taken a real effort and lots of time, I guess it was narrow minded to think that everybody would just want to help me!!  Analysing my results has been tricky too and the sample analysis I sent to Paula was quite far off the mark.  I have just a little more reading to do and then I really have to get my literature review written, this will help me so much with my analysis and writing up. 

Yesterday I spent some time starting writing up my inquiry, I know it's a bit soon, but putting something down on the computer was so helpful.  It made me feel like I have achieved something and also made me focus on what I need to get on with.  Hopefully this week will be a bit more productive and I will get some work done!

Where am I now?
I am currently on stage 2, 3 and 4! I need to complete my literature review to move off of stage 2, I need to get those final 12 respondents for my survey and complete my interviews to move off of stage 3 and I need to analyse my findings to move off of stage 4! Then I will finally be able to get on with writing up. my findings.

It is currently week 8 in this 12 week process so I have to get on with these tasks.  NO SLACKING MIMI!

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Literature Literature Literature

I have so much literature on my subject now that I really need to dedicate time to completing my reading and writing up a formal review.  I finally believe that I am in a place where I don't need to find anything more than what I have.

My literature varies from informal blogs to books and I feel quite overwhelmed by the amount of information I have. 

Formulating my literature review and getting it written up will be a big step into my inquiry.  It will help me draw conclusions for my analysis and drive my writing forward.

Wish me luck!

What I did for love

Whilst driving last week I was listening to Elaine Paige on Sunday and 'What I did for love' from the musical 'A chorus line' came on. 

Although I have seen A chorus Line as a child and love all the music I had assumed that 'What I did for love' was simply another love song.  When Elaine Paige played the song she also played introduction, 'but if today were the day that you had to stop dancing how would you feel?'.  This leads into the song which I have to say is a personal favourite and has now brought a new meaning to me.  It represents how I feel at this moment in  my life.  I am in my final two months of my last ever performing contract and as much as I am ready for a career change there is a part of me that is scared.  All I have ever known is dance and performing, all I have ever wanted to do is dance.  Who am I if I am no longer a dancer?  When I fill out forms what will my occupation be? There are some perks, presumably my car insurance will be cheaper and I won't have to live my life in six month stints but will I feel the same if I am not performing?

I believe that these questions and worries are shared by many transitional dancers.  Starting a new part of your life can be scary and worrying.  This drives my inquiry forward.  Hopefully my inquiry will give me clarification and help other transitioning performers and working performers.

Below is the link to a you tube video of 'What I did for love'.  It is not the best quality but contains the lead up scene to the song.

Below is a link to a brief synopsis of the musical

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Looking backwards, moving forwards!

After two weeks of rehearsals I am behind on the schedule I created for myself! I know that the schedule is helpful because at least I know what I have to achieve and have set out clear tasks so I don't waste time, however I when I woke up panicking  at 4am this morning I couldn't get my head around what I should do next.  I have been working in fits and starts over the last two weeks so I have hundreds of pieces of paper that are flying around everywhere.  Today I seized the day and decided before I do anything else these pieces of paper need to be filed organised or destroyed!  My lack of organisation and pieces of paper date right back to module 2, however when I was going through my notes I discovered some great work I had done which will help with my inquiry.  My learning journal is the same, I have re read this and found some really helpful ideas.

In campus session 2 Paula pointed out the importance of re reading the module reader and handbook, I think that the module 2 readers will be helpful to go through as well.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Still delicious!

Hi Guys, just a quick blog to let you know that I am still using and updating my delicious account to gather my literature for my inquiry.  If you want to check it out or follow me the link is below;

Campus session 2 - continued

After looking at 'mapping professional domains' (See previous blog ) we  separated off into our module groups and Paula lead our session.  I am so grateful that I managed to ask all the questions I had jotted down over the last few weeks of studying and now I feel ready to move forward with my work.  Here are some of the points we covered;

  • Enjoy other things - don't get bogged down with work, sometimes walking away and getting some perspective will mean that you work more effectively. 
  • Evaluate - Look at the work you have done and evaluate what you have achieved.
  • Handbook - It is there for a reason, don't forget to re read it every so often.
  • Appendices - These can be used to fill the gaps in your writing.  for example you only get a paragraph or so of your critical review to analyse your literature reviews, use the appendices to add information that you can't cover.
  • Drafts - Try to write at least 3 drafts of your work, it should be at least the second draft that gets sent to your adviser.
  • Drafts - Try to self analyse your work so any 'frilly' writing becomes more formal
  • Literature Reviews - Analyse the writing, try to discover what it means to your inquiry.
  • My work - What does it mean? What have I discovered?  How does that meaning inform my thinking?
  • Videos/Audio - This can be added to your appendices, do they inform your research?
  • Summarise your work
  • Scanning - You don't have to read all literature word for word, scan documents to pull out the important pieces.  Highlight these pieces for future reference.
  • Criteria - What is the criteria for your selection of research participants?
  • Practice - Has your practice changed through what you have learnt?
These are just a write up of my notes, if you would like more clarity on any of these just write a comment and I can add to the detail.

Paula asked us to say out loud the main questions of our inquiry, this was so helpful because it makes you realises what is clear and what isn't.  I would recommend everyone trying this, even if you can't say it to someone on the course it will give you an idea of weather you are articulating what you need to.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Mapping Professional Domains - Campus Session 2

I feel really thankful that I have been able to attend 2 brilliant campus sessions this module.  Not only do I feel I have learnt a lot from the sessions but they have also kept me on track with the Inquiry process.  To start the day Alan Durrant showed us about 'mapping professional domains'.  This is a great way of relating what you are working on to the world around us.

The basic diagram looks like this;

Apologies for the diagram, this is one I created in 'paint' because I don't have a scanner to add the official one!

First we were asked to look at 'Practice' and place the words or ideas that relate practice to all 3 domains on the diagram, for example;

My inner world - My day to day activities
Tools technologies and methods - Study
The outside world - Performance

This shows how my day to day work or practice relates to the outside world.  My day to day practice is working as a dancer, the tools technologies and methods I use is study (rehearsals/university work), how does this relate to the outside world? watching shows, reading my blogs etc.

Secondly we looked at 'Values';

My inner world - Morals
Tools technologies and methods - Social Skills
The outside World - Understanding

Values to me mean my personal morals, this has lead me to develop social skills and in the outside world I am able to be more understanding of the world around me and of other people's beliefs and ideas.

Finally we looked at Questions/Inquiry;

My inner world - Relevance
Tools, technologies and methods - Research
The outside world - Understanding

My Inquiry is driven by my personal need to understand the questions I have asked, this started by asking questions that are relevant to me and my day to day practice.  The tools, technologies and methods I use during the Inquiry process is research. To the outside world I gain understanding and so will my research participants and anyone who reads my inquiry.

Alan said there isn't really a right or wrong to this process.  I found it useful because it made me look at how the work I am doing relates to the outside world.  I don't know if mine are right or wrong but I know that this method has helped me.  It is easy to get bogged down with the work we are all doing, but using this method has helped me get some perspective on my studies.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Monday, starting week 4

Last week did not go 100% to plan! Typical! I know that this is the reason that I have created the plan so at least I understand what I aimed to achieve and what I need to get going on.  Unfortunately I would have been on track had I not hurt my back on Saturday night, I had the whole day planned to work yesterday but was unable to sit at the computer;

The work I need to catch up on from last week is;

  • Complete Survey
  • Complete the work I have started on Paula's feedback
  • Download another piece of literature I have found
The work I completed last week was;

  • Wrote my study plan
  • Consent forms
  • Identified some new sources of literature
This week is going to be a little up in the air as to when I can actually study as I have rehearsals going into my schedule on a daily basis.  However I have spent this morning tying up loose ends such as sending invoices, planning my journey to the Campus session and the obligatory Monday job search!

My aims for this week are;
  • Begin to collate and analyse Survey findings
  • Attend Campus session
  • Send paragraphs to Paula of sample inquiry analysis
  • Blog about the Campus session
  • Focus on literature
  • Complete the work I need to catch up on form last week

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Summon = Success

Following the last campus session, Paula explained the use of summon for finding literature from the universities online library.  Following this I have found many useful articles for my literature reviews.  For anyone who is struggling here is how it works;

Enter Myunihub

Scroll down to 'My library'

Click on 'Summon'

Enter the information you are looking for into the search box

There is a tab on the left hand side of the page marked 'refine', you can refine your search here to find specific items

Click on the article of interest

The article will launch under a new tab on your computer

On the right hand side of the page there is a tab marked 'tools'.  Here you have options to, print, save, email etc

If article opens and you can only see the first page there is an option of, 'Full PDF Text' on the left hand side.

I hope this helps anyone who is struggling with this!

The new schedule!

I have been wavering over the last few weeks and I have decide that the only way to get on is to set myself clear concise week by week goals.  Rather than drowning myself in sheets of paper I am taking a pro active attitude to my studies, here we go!

Goals of this module
  • Critical Review
  • Professional Artefact
  • Oral Presentation

Week 3, 14th - 20th October

  • Complete Survey ready to send out Monday 21st
  • Build on Paula's feedback from my inquiry summary
  • Build on my literature for review
  • Consent forms

Week 4, 21st - 27th October

  • Attend campus session 22nd October
  • Send 1/2 paragraphs to Paula as a sample of my inquiry analysis
  • Begin collating and analysing survey data
  • Continue blogging
  • Focus on literature and start writing review

Week 5, 28th Oct - 3rd November

  • Write up literature review
  • Build on analysis with further data, focusing on Paula's feedback
  • Work on questions for interviews

Week 6, 4th - 10th November

  • Hold Interviews
  • Plan professional Artefact
  • Build comparisons between my research findings and that of my literature

Week 7, 11th - 17th November

  • Send a 1 page description explaining the plans for my professional artefact
  • Start writing up critical review
  • Begin writing up my inquiry findings
  • Review all my work to date

Week 8, 18th - 24th November

  • Attend Campus session Thursday 21st November
  • Continue writing up and reviewing my work to date
  • Start artefact based on Paula's feedback
  • Work on critical review

Week 9, 25th November - 1st December

  • Send draft sections of my critical review to Paula for feedback
  • Work on finalising inquiry
  • Plan Oral presentation

Week 10, 2nd December - 15th December

  • Focus this week on critical review, print and edit
  • Read and re read
  • Apply Paula's feedback

Week 11, 9th - 15th December

  • Focus this week on Professional artefact

Week 12, 16th - 22nd December

  • Focus this week on Oral presentation

I appreciate that my plan seems to run out of steam in the last few weeks, but I feel at that point I will know what needs to be done and be getting on with it.  

My main work days are going to be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday.  Monday's are the day when I tie up looses ends such as sending invoices etc.  My aim every Monday is to blog my plan for the following week, detailing what I will be carrying out that week and how my work schedule will affect my study days.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Module 3 Campus session one

Last weeks campus session was the first I have been able to attend since starting Bapp.  Not only was it nice to finally meet everyone but it was also good to see where everyone was in their inquiry process.

We started with looking at concept drawings.  Firstly we had to draw growth and then later inquiry, without drawing anything in particular.  For growth I drew a series of arrows that formed from one point, my aim was to show that growth can take us in many directions and not necessarily the way you planned.  I found the idea of concept drawing quite helpful as I often schedule study time and get a writers block about how to start, trying a concept drawing in my learning journal could be a way of overcoming that?

Once we split off into module groups we began to discuss our inquiry topics.  Being able to talk about my inquiry and where I currently am on my research was particularly useful as it showed me where my strengths and weaknesses are.  Literature has been one area that I have struggled with as many of the articles I have found have been relatively informal.  Talking to the group made me realise that Hayley and I are following similar threads of research so will be able to share literature and ideas on our topics. 

Paula explained the My Library section of myunihub and how to use it.  I know this tool will be helpful to me whilst seeking new literature to review.  Sarah also suggested Google alerts which will send you a note when a new article relating to your research is added.

At the end of the session Alan asked the module one students if there was anything they wanted to ask us.  It was interesting to see that they feel exactly how I felt starting the course and how I even feel now.  I think being overwhelmed is part of the learning experience, it's about how you deal with those feelings and move forward to understanding.  If I'm honest I  feel completely overwhelmed at times, however I feel at the moment I have everything ready to go I just need to formulate these pages and pages of notes and scribbles into something useful.

Moving forward I want to make a sound study plan.  I want to set attainable goals and plan a schedule that fits around my workload.  I appreciate that sometimes unavoidable things will get in the way of that schedule, such as rehearsals etc, but having those goals will hopefully keep me on track.  Paula suggested trying to allow a month for analysis, I'm not sure I can manage to allow a whole month but I am going to try.  Nearly two weeks have gone of module three so I need to ensure time does not slip away from me.  I also want to make better use of my learning journal and blog.  There is a risk that I will spend so long formulating ideas and research that I will forget to share my thoughts, and as I said before, that's part of the learning journey!

Who is Mimi?

I have been writing so many notes and getting together loads of thoughts and ideas following last week's campus session and my Skype tutorial on Monday with Paula.  One of the first questions Paula asked me was, who is Mimi?  This made me think that this is probably the best place to start module three.

Who is Mimi?

  • I am a professional Dancer.

  • I am 28 years old.

  • I am studying for a degree in professional practise (Performing Arts).

  • I am looking at changing my career to a role that will be less about performing and more secure for my future.

  • I have been in a relationship for five years with another performer.

  • I am currently working as a dancer under contract until January 2014

How does who I am affect my inquiry?

  • My inquiry is driven by my current situation and my desire to change career.

  • The majority of my participants are colleagues

  • I am an insider researcher

  • My age and relationship drive my career decisions
This might seem like a simple beginning, but I believe understanding how this process is starting will allow me to drive my research forward.  I cannot predict where my research will go but a solid understanding of where it came from will hopefully keep me grounded!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Module 2 Critical Reflection

Hello fellow Bapp students, I just realised I haven't shared the link to my module 2 critical reflection.  Please find the link below;

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Task 6d, Delicious

Collating pieces of literature and articles on delicious has really assisted my research.  Knowing all my information is in one place and can be accessed anywhere has been really beneficial to my research.  My only wish is that I had discovered it earlier on in the course!

Feel free to add me on Delicious!

Task 6c, Literature Review 3

For my third literature review I decided to look at a more formally written piece from a perspective other than the performing industry.  'What's happening with well-being at work?' is a document produced by the CIPD (The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) as a review of their findings on well-being in the work place.

'What's happening with well being at work' was produced in May 2007 by Noreen Tehrani, Sally Humpage, Ben Willmott and Imogen Haslam of CIPD.  It is a document that condenses previous research with six case studies.  The document also contains a list of further reading.  This is a well put together document from many perspectives, it has no biases as it is the work of four authors working for the benefit of others. The document aims to show how companies that have introduced an 'employee wellness scheme' have benefited.

The document examines well-being in the workplace from and employee and employer's perspective.  It addresses issues such as reducing employee sickness, increasing productivity and engagement of staff and reducing staff turnover. The benefits of employee well-being are demonstrated on both sides, suggesting that happy/healthy workers are better workers and cost companies less money in the long run through staying in their jobs longer and taking less time off sick. 

I believe this document is important to my research as employee well-being falls hand in hand with a healthy work/life balance.  Enjoyment at work is as important to me and enjoyment outside of work.  It would interest me to further my research into how many performing companies have introduces employee wellness programmes and how these programmes have benefited the companies and employees.


Original document;

CIPD website;

Task 6c, Literature Review 2

The second piece of literature I will review is, 'Noises off - The pro's and cons in the job of theatre'.

This article was again produced for 'The guardian' theatre blog.  It is written by Chris  on Thursday 26 August 2010.  Being a journalist and theatre director means that Chris Wilkinson is writing from an insider researchers point of view.

Chris Wilkinson has used five sources to compile the evidence for his work;

Unfortunately these sources are all writing from a male point of view, it would have been interesting for him to have reviewed the ideas of female sources to gain a perspective from another angle.

The document presents the argument that working as a performer in the theatre is not a financially viable career.  Although he has used many sources that have agreed with this sentiment I would be interested to discover a different perspective.  Many people would presume that of our best loved and well known theatre stars would be generating a healthy wage from their work. 
Reading the comments posted below this blog it would be fair to say that many people have a wide range of ideas about what has been discussed, however it is easy to get involved in debate and harder to decipher fact from fiction.  For example, how many companies/workers would discuss their salary? Are living costs considered when commenting on the financial viability of a career in theatre? What wage is considered as a making a living?

Although this blog presents an array of ideas and issues I think it is missing huge parts of the argument.  Firstly, what is considered as a job in theatre? Touring? West end? Local theatre? And what about other performing careers? Cruise ships? Holiday resorts? Holiday parks? I believe this article has it's place In my research but it is lacking in thorough back up.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Task 6c, Literature Review 1

I have decided to go about creating my literature review with the help of the guidelines set out in Reader six.  My main reason for this is to help develop my critical writing skills;

Source, BAPP (Arts) Reader 6 Tools Of Professional Inquiry (2012-13). School of Media and Performing Arts Institute for Work Based Learning, Middlesex University.

Who is the author?

Charlotte Vincent

What is their position and what is its significance?

Charlotte Vincent is Choreographer/director of Vincent Dance Theatre.  She is writing from an insider researcher's point of view

What are their biases – political, personal?

Charlotte Vincent's bias would be personal, the article is written about women from a women's point of view.  In her blog she states that she is a feminist practitioner which will also show some biases.

Where and when was the document produced and what are the implications of this historical perspective?

The document was produced Thursday 31 May 2012.  I don't believe it has any particular historical implications as the issues written about are still as relevant and nothing legally or political has changed since then.

Why was the document produced?

This document was originally produced for creative choices, a website set up to assist those with a creative career.

How was the document produced?

The document was produced via the Guardian's Theatre blog.  The relevance of blog literature is that it allows people to comment and share their views and opinions.  Unfortunately blog comments have been closed on this piece.

In what context was the document produced, and is your analysis of the context similar or different to that of other relevant persons?

The document was produced to raise awareness about dancer's who become mothers.  I have found similar posts in the various pages that suggest this is a common issue.

What are its underlying assumptions?

The underlying assumptions are that this issue is a cross industry issue.

What does the document say and not say and why is it presented in this manner?

This document only comments on one companies maternity policy, it would be interesting to discover what other companies policies are and how they relate.

How is the document presented?

The document is presented quite informally as a blog post.

How well supported and convincing is its argument?

Personally I believe the document raises some important issues which need to be addressed across the performing arts industry, however there is little reference to any other sources, situations or events and is mainly based on hypothetical ideas.

How does this document relate to previous ones?

Charlotte Vincent assisted with a post on 'The Stage News'.  The document was published on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 and discusses similar issues.  It is based on research by Dance UK and Dance Umbrella, which had a panel made up of Charlotte Vincent and Julia Carruthers, executive director of Akram Khan Company.  The panel comment on the issues that they have come across in relation to dancers who become pregnant.  This article is not written in very much depth, it's main issue is summoned up in the quote below, however there is no statement about how they wish to carry out their conclusion or where to find a detailed account of the report.

'In its conclusion, the report said companies should have written maternity and paternity policies in place and should set regular working hours with meal breaks and appropriate rest and recovery time for pregnant performers and new mothers.'

Who is the intended (official) audience?

Readers/Subscribers of the Guardian Blog.

What is the ethical and/or value basis of the document?

This document demonstrates the issues that occur for dancers when they want to become mothers.  The ethical basis are, what type of maternity policies are in place in the performing industry?

The link to my full literature review is below;

Friday, 3 May 2013

6b, Pilot Observations

I am currently unsure as to how observations would fit into my inquiry research.  I raised this issue with my SIG and it was agreed that observation may not be a tool that suits my particular inquiry needs.  It was suggested that I could look to literature such as autobiographies or write about situations I have experienced through my career.  On this line of thought I contacted an ex colleague and asked if she would mind me writing about her experiences, which she agreed to;

During a previous contract and ex colleague and friend of mine fell pregnant.  The pregnancy was unplanned and quite a shock for her and her husband.  It also left her with uncertainty as to how she would be able to work as she could no longer continue her Dancer/Dance captain role.  She had worked with the company for a number of years and they decided to offer her a position assisting the current production manager.  My colleague took to this role well and it eased the pressure for her, and her husband, knowing she would have a wage and paid maternity leave. 
I considered at the time that she was quite lucky to have to co operation of the company as she was a seasonal employee. 
My colleague has never returned to a full time dance contract as now she needs more secure work.  She has however continued to work freelance for various tribute acts that fit around her families needs.

Although this is just an experience that I can write about, it would be valuable for me to follow this up with an interview.  Interviewing about a specific event I have witnessed would need to be carried out with sensitivity, however it would be a good way of engaging with my research.

6b, Pilot Focus Group

Focus Groups are a new research idea to me.  Getting people discussing topics in a structured environment is a challenging task, however I believe that it will be an excellent research tool for my inquiry. 

My pilot focus group took place in the green room at work.  I thought mutual ground such as this would ensure my participants were relaxed and able to discuss the topic freely.  However we were disturbed a few times so I think that next time I will use my living room to avoid interruptions.

I felt that it was important to trial the focus group on a small scale so I could build my confidence and address any issues before I commit to my research with a larger group.  This was a helpful way to start, however I do feel that more participants will allow for more discussions.  I was careful to choose people who would be willing to speak but also willing to listen to each other.  The discussions took place with me suggesting questions and then my participants putting forward their points of view.  I recorded the session on Dictaphone and wrote some notes so I was sure who was talking when I listened to the recording later.  For my next focus group I am considering asking each participant to state their name as they speak, however my feeling initially is that it may stunt the conversational flow.

Ensuring my participants were aware of my research and what the results of the focus group will be used for was of upmost importance to me.  I wanted to be sure that everyone knows why the research is taking place, what it will be used for and how the data collected will be managed.  This is something I will definitely keep the same for my future focus groups.

Initially my participants were a little nervous but soon got started, some important outcomes of the focus group were;

The participants said they found that it was hard to find a suitable work/life balance in their current holiday park contract.  Issues of living with, working with and socialising with colleagues were raised and also the location of the park.  The focus group felt only having one day off a week was standard for the performing industry.  They suggested that the company they work for could help them by putting them on later shifts the day after their day off so going home would be easier.  Holiday pay was discussed and it was thought that as performers they are lucky that their company allows them paid holiday days.

They then discussed careers advice and feel that industry specific careers advice is required for performers, and that companies such as 'The Job Centre' are unable to give this.  This was the same outcome as my pilot survey and interview, however my pilot focus group agreed with each other that they would like face to face, local careers advice rather than website based advice that some companies offer.  Similarly to my interviewee the participants felt that talking to other performers was a good way of getting careers advice, but said in their current contract they would need to be careful as to who they spoke to.

When I asked the participants about their plans for the future they all agreed that it was something they hadn't given much thought too.  None of the participants have any ISA savings or pension plans and similarly to my interviewee felt this issue was harder for their families to understand than for them personally.  They also mentioned that they have concerns about their lack of non performance qualifications.

When we discussed future family plans the participants felt that they could only consider having a family after they have finished with their performing career.  They felt they would have to give up their performing jobs prematurely to financially manage a family and house.  The female participants felt that having children would be to big a toll on a body for women to continue performing.

Moving forward with my research I think that Focus groups will provide a lot of information.  I feel that my initial research will be surveys to collect mass data, focus group to discuss the survey data and then progress onto interviews to hone in on the issues raised.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

6b, The Pilot Survey

I began my pilot survey when I first started researching inquiry topics.

Surveys are a great way of gaining mass result for a topic, however you are depending on people to fill them out, read the questions correctly and answer fully.  My initial responses showed that sometimes the respondents did not answer in the manner I had expected, I think this is because of how some of my questions were worded.  When I progress with my inquiry I will write surveys in a different manner.  This will mainly entail asking a yes/no question and then asking for the respondent to elaborate on their answer.  I think this will mean that the questions are answered in the manner I was expecting, my mistake was asking too many things in one question, for example;

 3. If you answered yes to the previous question then what were you doing at the time? What age were you? If you answered 'no' then what has helped you achieve such a good balance? What age are you?

Looking back at this question it is a little confusing.  I have really asked four questions in one.  I think my survey was a good starting point and definitely a good learning curb, however I could greatly improve on this.  My initial feeling was that if I asked people to fill in a survey with many questions it would put people off filling it in, however with hindsight I feel that maybe reading the questions, as they are currently written, would put people off.

Results, 8 Respondents
1. What type of performer are you? (dancer/singer/tribute/freelance etc)
3 x Dancers
1 x Dancer/Teacher
3 x Singer
1 x Musical Theatre performer
2. Have there been times during your career when you have struggled to find an acceptable work/life balance?
8 x Yes
3. If you answered yes to the previous question then what were you doing at the time? What age were you? If you answered 'no' then what has helped you achieve such a good balance? What age are you?
Rehearsals all day, shows in the evening
23/24 Working in a small team
at college
mid/late twenties, working unsociable hours
Teaching got in the way of performing
aged 22 working abroad
4. Could you describe yourself as a workaholic? How does this effect your personal life?
Yes x 4
No x 2
Maybe x 2
5. Do you feel the companies you work for could help you find a better work/life balance? What could they do to help?
Yes x 4
No x 1
Maybe x 2
N/A x 1
6. In your opinion can performers get careers advice from companies such as 'The Job Centre' or is industry specific advice required?
No x 8
7. In your opinion can performers continue to work professionally once they become parents?
8 x Yes
8. Performers often work short contracts and their work can be described as 'unstable', what effect do you think this type of contract to contract work has on you?

4 x answers were concerned with finances

Collating my answers show that many of my questions need work.  In order to get better results I think I need to put in more yes/no answers and then ask people to expand on their response.  Yes/No answers would give me solid results that I could put into charts and graphs. Expanded answers could be used for quotes, further thinking and further research. The types of questions I have asked, in my pilot survey, would work better in an interview situation. 

Surveys are a good research tool for collecting mass data.  I aim to use surveys early on in my inquiry process as I believe they are a good starting point to focus your research.  If I can use a survey to narrow down the issues that I am looking at then this will give me a better basis for further research.  I think a survey will be a good starting point to build on with interviews. 

6b, The Pilot Interview

My aim for my first pilot was to conduct a semi-structured interview that allowed my participant to be relaxed and answer my questions openly and honestly.  Before starting I informed my participant as to what the interview was for and how the data collected will be used and ensured he was in agreement.  I prepared for the interview by writing out a list of carefully constructed questions to ensure that I was not 'leading' the interview in any way.  Once my interview was complete and I had written up my answers I asked my respondent to check he was happy with what I had written.

Age - 29
Occupation - Production vocalist
Current Contract - Holiday park show team
Are there times in your career when you have struggled to find a reasonable work/life balance?
Yes, there are times when I have had to call off family plans due to last minute rehearsals.
Is there something that the company you work for could do to help this situation?
No, there is no way around the need for rehearsals, as 'the show must go on'.
Where do you see your career heading?
I will continue singing part time at freelance events.  I have set up a company with a friend.
Where do you feel you can turn for careers advice?
I think the best advice comes from my peers, I could also use equity.
Are you able to plan financially for your future?
Yes because I have an Isa, but I don't have a pension plan.  It concerns my family more than it concerns me.  I think as a performer I live a very 'Peter Pan' lifestyle.
Would you like your own family in the future?
How do you feel your career would fit in with a family life?
If I had a family now it would put too much pressure on my partner.  This lifestyle is not conducive to family life.  My long term plans for my business will allow for family commitments. 

I think that the interview process will be the most helpful for my inquiry.  The benefit of interview over survey is that you can adapt your questions as you go to get more information from the respondent.  I conducted my interview in a relaxed environment that meant that my respondent could answer the questions calmly and without any pressure.  I believe ensuring you have the correct setting for this type of research is an integral part of the process. 

When it comes to planning my research for my inquiry I will definitely be using interviews.  I would like to add more questions and once I have evaluated my responses conduct a further interview to gather more information.  I think that interview will be the most beneficial research tool and so I aim to use this method the most. 

Monday, 29 April 2013

6a, Research Pilots.

Reader six has really helped me to focus my research in a more productive manner.  When I initially started module two I started to do a lot of research that was unplanned and probably relatively ineffective, however now I can use that experience alongside the reader to become a more effective researcher.

i)  Pilot interview

I have previously posted a case study following an in depth discussion with a colleague;

This case study was carried out very informally with a colleague who is very supportive of my course at BAPP. I now aim to interview him properly with well planned questions.  I aim to conduct a semi-structured interview where I will ask questions that allow him to express his opinion and not simply a yes no answer. 

ii) Pilot Survey

During my initial research I conducted an survey to find out what people's opinions were initially and how much research scope I could expect.

I will now go back through this survey to critique my questions and then either re write my questionnaire or evaluate the answers I have received.

iii) Pilot Focus Group

Following the advice in reader six, I aim to go about my pilot focus group in a very organised manner.  I will record the focus group and ask that when each person speaks they state their name so when I go back through the recording I can be sure who has said what.  I have quite a few big personalities in my workplace so will ensure that everybody gets their chance to speak.

iiii) Pilot Observation

I am unsure as to how I would go about an observation following the line of enquiry I am taking.  There are observations that I have made in my diary when discussions have opened up along the lines of my inquiry, I wonder if I could get permission from the people involved to use these observations formally?

5d,My ethical aims for my Inquiry

Following on from my previous blog, here are the ethical aims I will endeavour to abide by;


I will not pass other's work off as my own, I will use proper citations to any quotes or literature which I use or may have influenced my thinking.

Only ask what is necessary

Although some of the questions I will need to ask during my inquiry are personal (relating to age) I will not ask questions that bare no relevance to my research.

Reporting Data

I will not select data that suits my line of inquiry, I will be open and honest with my findings.

Protecting Data

I will ensure that all data I collect is dealt with properly.  I will not allow any of my participants to be put at risk by poor data security.


I will ensure that all participants are aware of what I am doing, why I am doing it and are kept up to date with my inquiry at all times.  I will also ensure that my employers are kept up to date with my research.

Shared with SIG's;

Sunday, 21 April 2013

5c Professional ethics

Understanding professional Ethics

Starting out with the topics of ethics has been quite challenging because although I thought I knew what 'ethical practice' meant, there are time when I feel it has become a little confused with 'good practice'.  Getting to grips with the reader has developed my understanding and I feel a lot more comfortable with the terminology.

The defines ethics below;

Definition of ethics


  • 1 [usually treated as plural] moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity:medical ethics also enter into the question
  • 2 [usually treated as singular] the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles: neither metaphysics nor ethics is the home of religion


The definition of ethics suggests that the roots of ethical practice are based in a person's moral principles.  As reader five states these can be based from many things such as family values, religion, conscience.  Applying both of these ideas shows that ethical practice is not really a black and white/right and wrong scenario but more an individual's personal opinion which will create many grey areas between people.

Case Study 1

Looking at the case study in reader five about Mid Staffordshire hospital shows how hard looking at ethics can be at times.  Putting aside personal feelings and evaluating the facts can be very difficult, however as a country we are very lucky that these types of inquiries are available in  the public domain.  I don't think anyone could suggest that what happened at mid Staffordshire was correct but when there are a catalogue of errors such as in this case how can any person be held liable? 

Case study 2


With this case study I tried to put aside my personal reaction and asked some colleagues what they thought?  I was shocked to see that so many of them had the same reaction as me, how could anyone not help a child in that situation? I tried to suggest some other ways of looking at the photograph, the photographer was told not to touch anyone for fear of epidemics, the photographer's ethical role is to observe and not interfere, however I couldn't find anyone who didn't see that the photographer was morally wrong for not helping this child.

Theoretical ethical frameworks


'This is where an act is morally right if, and only if, that act maximizes the good.  The notion of the greatest happiness for the greatest number is at the heart of consequentialism.  With regard to whether an act is morally right depends on the outcomes (consequences).  Hence to kill 1 person in order to save 9 is justified with this paradigm.'

Source, BAPP (Arts) Reader 5 Professional Ethics (2012-13). School of Media and Performing Arts Institute for Work Based Learning, Middlesex University.

I agree with the theory of consequentialism, if everybody weighed up the consequences of their actions maybe people would not behave in certain manners? There was a very sad case recently in the press where two Australian radio presenters contacted the King Edward VII's hospital and posed as the queen, in order to get information about Kate Middleton's admission to hospital in December 2012.  Very sadly the nurse, Jacintha Saldanha, who took the call committed suicide as a result.  If these two presenters had considered the consequences of their actions would they have still made the call? Although you would not necessarily assume that the outcome would be so extreme you may think that it was likely someone could be in trouble over this or maybe loose their job?  I would argue in this instance that the radio presenters were morally wrong for making the call.



'Deontology is in sharp contrast to consequentialism and the greatest exponent is Immanuel Kant who argued that the only absolute good thing is good will.  Hence, the motive behind an action determines whether or not it is morally right.  Deontology is rule based and is ethical action based on duty.'
Source, BAPP (Arts) Reader 5 Professional Ethics (2012-13). School of Media and Performing Arts Institute for Work Based Learning, Middlesex University.

 The theory of deontology seems very black and white to me.  I believe in many situations there can be 'grey areas' which have been created to cause less harm to the people involved.  For example, lying.  Many would argue that lying is morally wrong, however telling a small 'white' lie to save someone's feelings could be considered a kinder more ethical response to a situation?

Virtue Ethics

'Virtue ethics emphasizes the character of the moral agent rather than the rules or the consequences and what actions taken reveal about one's character.  This approach can be traced back to Plato and Aristotle where there is greater emphasis on being rather than doing.' 

Source, BAPP (Arts) Reader 5 Professional Ethics (2012-13). School of Media and Performing Arts Institute for Work Based Learning, Middlesex University.

I struggle to understand this example of ethics, however I think that the basis is about the person involved.  If the person acts out of good nature then they can be considered morally correct.

My overall feeling so far is that when it comes to ethics there is not one way to look at things.  With the case studies that I have listed I have tried to apply the following procedure. Gut reaction, (how do I initially feel?), Balance (what other view points can I consider?), Reflection (How do I feel now I have considered all the facts?), Conclusion?(What results have I reached?).  Ultimately I don't feel there is a right or wrong answer as there are so many options to consider however as a human I believe you can only do what you deem correct at the time.

In terms of inquiry I believe that following ethical guidelines such as The British Educational Research Association (BERA) listed in reader five present the type of guidelines I wish to follow.  For example;

'To ensure the honest and respectful treatment of research participants, by informing them of the of the purpose of the study and by adhering to the guidance requirements (eg on consent and confidentiality), and at all times ensuring their safety and well-being vis-à-vis the research procedure, equipment and premises.'

Source, BAPP (Arts) Reader 5 Professional Ethics (2012-13). School of Media and Performing Arts Institute for Work Based Learning, Middlesex University.
Telling your research participants all of the information about what you are researching, why you are researching and what the information will be used for is of upmost importance when it comes to ethical practice.  If the participants are told what they are contributing to then they can make an informed decision as to whether or not they wish to participate. 

Plagiarism, ensuring that any reference I use are fully cited so that the relevant sources are known.

Data protection, making sure that any data I use is stored appropriately and disposed of appropriately.

Leading questions, I aim to ask questions that allow participants to answer openly and honestly, not ask leading questions  that encourage the answers that 'fit in' with my current research.


Thursday, 18 April 2013

5b Ethical framework in the workplace

Looking into the ethical framework and codes of practice that apply to my workplace are both interesting and eye opening.  As many people will do I simply received my handbook at the start of my contract and have not bothered to read it until now. 
There are many codes of practice that reference the behaviour, safety and standards that are expected in the workplace however how many of these steer the ethical framework of the company?  I feel in my previous post I have listed the codes of practice I use on a daily basis but may have missed the ethics behind them?

Mission statement

'To continue to grow this successful business where people love to holiday and people love to work'

Bunn Leisure, 2013, Your guide to working at Bunn Leisure.

This statement says to me that the company not only looks after their customers but also their employees.  In the past as an employee for different companies I have felt that the income of the business has outweighed the want to satisfy their customers and keep their staff happy. 

Health and Safety

In the handbook it states the importance of health and safety in the workplace and the rules and equipment that keeps not only the staff but also the customers able to enjoy a safe environment.  I am sure that many would argue that health and safety rules are not related to ethics, however my personal feelings are anything that keeps staff and customers safe and able to be in a healthy environment is ethical. 

The Oxford dictionary website defines ethics below;

Definition of ethics


  • 1 [usually treated as plural] moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity:medical ethics also enter into the question

  • 2 [usually treated as singular] the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles: neither metaphysics nor ethics is the home of religion
Moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or conducting of an activity, so I feel that endorsing good health and safety can be considered as ethical practice.

 Equal Opportunities

I believe it is integral to the ethical framework of any company to take a strong stance on equal opportunities.

'We aim to create a working environment in which all individuals are able to make best use of their skills free from discrimination or harassment and in which all decisions are based on merit'

 Bunn Leisure, 2013, Your guide to working at Bunn Leisure

My expectations

As a self employed performer there are certain expectations that I have to meet;

*Declaration of self employment
*CRB check
*Public Liability insurance.

I would say that these are not only a legal requirement but also ethical requirements as I am not only protecting myself but also the public.  If I was acting illegally and not paying tax this would not only be lawfully wrong but morally wrong. 

Thursday, 11 April 2013

5a work based ethics

Following the codes of conduct and applying ethical practice to our work is often not conscious but subconscious behaviour.  Through my training and development during my work based learning I have developed a level of professionalism that I always follow;

Health and Safety

*Warming up and cooling down
*Maintaining personal equipment (Such as shoes, costumes, tights etc)
*Safe Practice
*Awareness of surroundings

Being aware of the health and safety of yourself and others ensures safe practice in the workplace.  This can be as simple as warming up and cooling down, setting your costumes in a safe place so that no one will trip over and ensuring your personal equipment is well maintained, to more difficult situations where you have to suggest that other people's practice is not up to scratch.  There have been times when I  have had to point out items such as leaking smoke machines, badly set costumes and uneven flooring, however I believe it is better to point these thing out than risk the safety of yourself and your fellow performers.

Team work

*Being an active member of the team
*Ensuring discussions are honest and open
*Allowing freedom of speech

Equal Opportunities

*Ensuring all members of the team have their voice heard
*Allowing all members of the team to demonstrate their talents
*Ensuring no one is isolated

I think the values of team work and equal opportunities go hand in hand.  Treating others as you wish to be treated yourself is behaviour which you hope everyone is brought up with.  In my opinion if everyone treats the members of their with respect and decency it allows for a happy, productive, creative work environment.

Fire Regulations

*Being personally aware of the Fire escapes
*Being personally aware of any regulation you need to follow
*Being aware of any fire equipment (Fire blankets, Fire extinguishers etc)

Although it is the employer's responsibility to ensure that all staff are trained and responsible when it comes to all health, safety and fire regulations, I also believe that everyone should take a personal responsibility for themselves. 

Personal Ethics

*Ensuring you carry yourself in a professional manner
*Ensuring you remain calm and professional in all situations
*Ensuring you use the correct equipment for the job
*Ensuring your costumes are well maintained and clean
*Ensuring you are well presented, clean and tidy

I believe that everybody should take a personal pride in the way they present themselves.  This is not only for the work place but also when you attend auditions etc.  Being well presented and professional in all your endeavours sets you ahead in your career.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Task 4d Award Title

After much deliberation I have finally settled on an award title, I propose the title

Ba Honours Professional Practice (Performing Arts)

Please follow the link to my rationale

Please feel free to leave any comments or ideas.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Case Study #1

Following a great chat with a fellow performer I have added this post as a case study.

Male, age 35, currently working as a vocalist for a holiday park show team.

My colleague had a quite a few ideas about how mature performers feel in regards to their careers.

He felt there was a point when your career naturally reaches a plateau and the decisions you make are based more around your life than about your development as a performer.  For example he has made a decision to work for a holiday park as the job is UK based, has no duties and so that allows time to develop other interests but also means he can work alongside his fiance.  The contract he is currently undertaking is ten months in length and he has worked for the company for four years so feels that, as far as performance jobs go, it is pretty secure.

My colleague talked about how outside pressure can make you sometimes feel that your life as a performer is sometimes misunderstood.  Again this idea of people looking at performers as not having a 'real' job was raised.  He said that friends and family from outside of the industry have raised questions about why he doesn't have his own house, mortgage, pension etc.

The point of age was raised and how the industry views more mature performers.  He believes all performers have a 'sell by date' and will find it hard to find work beyond that point, this also makes him feel he should stay in his current role.

Performer phsycology was also discussed and how performers are constantly viewed by others.  He feels that where other people are interviewed and gain work through talking to people he suggests that performers are more viewed through a 'window' when they are auditioned and also when they are watched from stage.  He suggests this may also cause problems for performers when they go to seek advise as the fear of gaining a true opinion might be uncomfortable.

The future of the industry is something that my colleague worries about, as technology develops such as audio visual and auto tune etc he wonders where the industry will move to in the future.  He feels there may be a time when singers are no longer required.

He believes performers struggle at the end of their careers because they are constantly 'looking for more'.  He says that when you address these feelings you can find a more secure job and be happier with your work/life balance. 

Finding a title

Through my research it seems that the work/life balance questions I am asking seem to relate more to performers that are slightly older and looking at different options for their career.  I need to find a title that covers all the ideas I have covered then I will have maximum scope for my writing. Here are a few ideas;

BA hons professional practice career development

BA hons professional practice performer development

Ba hons professional practice Professional development

So far my favourite is professional development as it is broad and yet says what I need it to.  Any thoughts? Please add your comments.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Questions expanded

Looking at my previous post I have decided I might be better to expand the questions I have asked;

Career Development

Where do performers turn for career advice?

A quick google has shown that Spotlight, The stage and many other recognisable companies are offering industry specific advise.  Not only is this advice available but also free and available as not only in written format but also as pod casts etc.   In my survey it was suggested that careers advice for performers is a slightly difficult issue as performing jobs still seem to be viewed as not 'real' jobs.  I wonder whether this is true to how many people feel? If so then what can be done to change this opinion? Can it ever be changed?

Is age a factor when it comes to deciding on a career path?
So far my survey suggests that performers naturally reach an age when they require a more stable career choice.  Is this an idea that is ingrained in our minds? Do we subconsciously take on the information given to us from the media? It seems there are times when older presenters get replaced with younger ones? Is this the natural cycle or are we jumping to conclusions?

This is a great piece because it looks at the age of directors and playwrites.  The blog suggests that often people want to find someone who is naturally talented and gifted from an early age however offers many examples of people who find success later in life.  It would be lovely to believe that we can all perform forever but I think it is worthwhile looking at not only the toll performing as a career takes on your body but also the effect it has on you mentally.  It can often be draining working short contracts and not having a huge amount of stability, this idea is what has made me take on these questions and research them in such a way.

How can performers continue to work professionally when they become parents?
I have many friends who are also parents however their careers have taken a different paths and have often continued to perform in a different capacity, often taking casual performing work alongside a tradition 9-5 type job.  I think when looking at parenting it would be foolish not to look at the difference between men and women.  Performers do have to fit certain 'looks' and once women have babies they may find it harder to fit the certain requirements that are needed.  I also think this idea fits nicely alongside my previous thought that performers reach an age where they require a bit more stability and financial security.  When performers become parents they probably require a more stable job and reliable income.


How can companies help performers sustain a healthy work/life balance?
When performers work on cruise ships etc I think it is vital that they can remain in good contact with home, things like providing an Internet service can really help.  I think realistically their is limited things that companies can do, however accepting that life isn't always easy for performers leaving family and friends for six months at a time, can help companies put this into prospective.

Should companies allow performers to take time off for important events such as weddings, funerals, graduations etc?
This is a difficult question really because companies have to provide the services that they have agreed.  However it can be a very difficult time for performers constantly missing big events.  When you work a 9-5 type PAYE job you have allowances for holiday etc however many performance contracts are self employed.

How soon should companies advise about their contracts for the following season?
Often when performers wish to return to a contract the following season companies seem to leave it until the last minute to advise of their contract renewal, why is this the case? Personally I think companies have a lot of things to consider and really need to decide what product they will be putting together for the following season before they can cast.  However from a performers point of view you need the most amount of time possible to prepare your options.  I don't think this is a situation that will ever change, however it does help for both sides to see things from the other side.

Should companies allow time for performers who are also studying?
This is a difficult question because schedules need to be adhered to.  I am a perfect example of this as for the last few weeks I have been rehearsing all day and performing shows in the evening.  My schedule has not allowed me to fit in any study time and this has greatly effected my emotional balance.  I am currently feeling panicked and behind and not fully able to commit to anything, however the company I work for are very supportive of my course and have offered me assistance.

Should companies support performers in their studies?
I thinks companies should support performers who are studying.  Anything anyone does to better themselves should be encouraged, also from a companies point of view that person studying may gain a skill that can help the company move forward.


Often performance contracts are self employed, should companies pay self employed persons holiday pay?
Companies have no legal requirement to pay self employed persons holiday pay.  I feel it is an issue that sometimes causes problems for performers because if they require time off for any events they must take that time unpaid.

How do performers manage their finances when they often only work short contracts?
This is a question that is quite personal.  Personally I save when I am working to cover the time when I am auditioning, however this does not make me very financially secure particularly when looking at the future.

Do many performers have pension plans?
During my research time I have found that many performers don't have anything like a pension plan as they can not afford to put money in regularly.  Again this relates to the type of jobs that are worked and the unsteadiness of the industry.  Google has shown me that there are companies who offer specific performers pensions however personally I couldn't afford to commit to a twelve month payment plan.


How do performers feel when they are often unable to attend family events due to work commitments?
In my experience this is a very difficult issue for performers.  On one hand I feel blessed that I am able to do a job that I love but on the other hand I miss so much of my families lives. 

How do performers cope when they are often living and socialising with their work colleagues?
In my research it seems that many performers enjoy this side of the job.  Living and working with like minded people is enjoyable and many strong friendships are built in this way.  Personally I think this also relates to age, what you enjoy when you are younger is something that can be a problem when you are older and want different things from your life.

Can many performers be described as workaholics? How does this affect their lives?
Through my research I have seen that many performers would describe themselves as workaholics however do not see this as a bad thing.  When you enjoy your work and it is described as a 'vocation' rather than a job it seems natural to throw yourself into it entirely.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Possible titles

Looking at my work so far I am trying to compile a variety of possible titles and the directions they could head in.  My problem is that looking into how performers manage to sustain a healthy work/life balance opens up so many doors;

Career Development

Where do performers turn for career advice?
Is age a factor when it comes to deciding on a career path?
How can performers continue to work professionally when they become parents?


How can companies help performers sustain a healthy work/life balance?
Should companies allow performers to take time off for important events such as weddings, funerals, graduations etc?
How soon should companies advise about their contracts for the following season?
Should companies allow time for performers who are also studying?
Should companies support performers in their studies?


Often performance contracts are self employed, should companies pay self employed persons holiday pay?
How do performers manage their finances when they often only work short contracts?
Do many performers have pension plans?
Can performers afford pension plans?


How do performers feel when they are often unable to attend family events due to work commitments?
How do performers cope when they are often living and socialising with their work colleagues?
Can many performers be described as workaholics? How does this affect their lives?