Thursday 11 October 2012

Welcome to my blog

So the first thing I have to say is I am the absolute queen of procrastination! The way I tend to work is to soak up as much information as possible and then get on with the tasks.  Setting up my blog has been my first challenge and now I am reading through everyones elses.  I think my worst personality trait is always believing that i'm going to make a mistake! I truly believe this is quite a common trait in dancers!

So first things first, who is Michelle and why is she doing the course?
I'm 27 years old and a professional Dancer/Singer.  I graduated from Stella Mann college aged 19 and have worked across the world ever since.  My job has taken me to America, europe, the Baltics and Somerset!! I now find i'm at a stage where I would like to expand my knowledge of the industry and look towards another stage in my life.  I am extremely tentative about the course as I haven't really picked up a pen since I left college!

Onwards and upwards! I look forward to talking to everyone about our various posts and have allocated two complete days to the first tasks next week. 



  1. Hi Michelle - good to see that you have got your blog up and running - really look forward to seeing it develop as you proceed with the tasks throughout the module.

  2. Hi Michelle,
    I think i know what you are talking about, always looking foreward, making the next mistake.
    But i think every artist has to deal with that problem. But i think its good to make them, to learn from it.

    Bw Michael

  3. Hi Rosemary, thankyou it feels good to be up and running. I have so much wizzing through my brain now I need to get going i think!

    Hi Michael, I guess learning from our mistakes is part of the course. I have had a really interesting week this week and I have learnt some things that I will blog about soon,

